
Make a Crawling Robot Spider

suvisor 2008. 1. 8. 23:57
It's Cool Hacks.
bangbang007 make cool robot spider.
He use a pager motor.( Do U remember bristlerobot???)
U prepare some wires and battery. you can make it turn side way and backward with just a bend on the spider legs.
by bangbang007

[Flash] http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/878046/cool_spider.swf

step 1Materals and tools
MATERIAL: solder wire, coppter wire, electric motor( you can get it from old cell phone) battery
TOOLS: solder, and solder wire.

step 2measure wires
you need to cut out

1 = 4cm head
1 = 12cm body
6 = 4.5cm front legs
2 = 6.5cm rear legs

2 = 2cm across spider body
1 = 3cm across spider body.

step 3put together the wires
place all the wire as show below and solder it.

step 4connect the electric motor
solder a 1cm cross the electric motor and connect the wires to + and -
step 5solder the motor
solder the electric motor to the head of the spider

step 6ready for the test
connect wires to the battery and place the battery on to the body of the spider and connect the wires to the electric motor, for more info how it works. please watch the video