
LED 시계. LED Clock from tickerlog.

suvisor 2007. 12. 30. 01:38

출처 : tickerlog.com
여기에서는 LED Matrix를 이용한 LED 시계를 만드는 작업을 다뤘다.
LED Clock 자체가 고전적이라 부를 만큼 오래되기도 한 모델이라서 많은 문서도 있고,
샘플도 있다. 여기서는 AVR중 하나인 ATmega8을 사용했다.
LED Matrix 가 landscape mode 로 사용되어 3x5 픽셀에 모든 문자가 표현된다. 단, 대문자만 가능.

So this is my approach of an LED clock. There are zillions of LED clocks out there. Mine is some kind of retro and minimalistic version. It consists of

  • AVR ATmega8, 8 Kb, 4.096 MHz
  • Everlight 2.3″, LED Matrix, 8×5 LEDs
  • some resistors, capacitors and a quarz
  • optional serial connection for configuration

The LED matrix is used in landscape mode, that means it uses a very tiny font. Most characters fit in 3×5 pixels. The font supports only uppercase characters. Because the display has only 8 columns the message has to scrolled.

The display has the following features at the moment:

  • Displays a greeting message
  • Displays the current time, hh:mm:ss
  • Displays a custom message
  • Messages and current time can be modified via serial port

사용자 삽입 이미지

Here is the schematic of the LED clock. The Everlight 5*8 Dot Matrix was not available as part of the Eagle libraries, so I build the part on my own. It looks a bit clumsy as it is my first try to design components.

여기에 첨부된 schematic이 있는데, Everlight 5x8 dot matrix 이 eagle lib부분이 사용이 불가해서, 사용자가 만들어서 썼다고 한다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Here is a video of the LED Clock. You can see how it changes through different modes from telling the time to displaying a greetings message.